Book Club Resources

Book Club Resources

With unlimited, simultaneous access to thousands of titles at all reading and interest  levels, Comics Plus is the perfect platform for bringing readers together, whether in a physical or virtual setting! 
If you’re interested in starting a comic book club at your library or school, these tips will  help ensure your readers have the best experience.

Hosting a Book Club With Comics Plus

Click the link above to download a resource guide with tips and tricks for running a book club with Comics Plus title!

How to Run an In-Person Book Club

Click the link above to download a resource guide created by our partners at Creators Assemble! It includes steps to ensuring a successful club launch along with discussion guide questions!

Looking for titles to discuss in your Book Club? Here are some great suggestions!

Click on the links below to access curated lists to use in your book club!

Using Comics to Spark Creativity & Imaginative Learning 

Use the titles through the link above to add some creative fun to your club!

Super Heroes for Everyone

Use the titles through the link above to discuss some traditional and not-so traditional Super Heroes!

Graphic Mystery for Aspiring Sleuths

Everyone loves a good mystery; the kind that hooks you and refuses to let go until the plot unravels in twisty, surprising, and satisfying ways. Use the link above to access some titles that any mystery love can dive into!

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