Click - A Story Of Cyber Bullying: Teaching Guide | Ages 11 - 14

Click - A Story Of Cyber Bullying: Teaching Guide | Ages 11 - 14


Title Trailer

About the Book

Lexi Philips is a confident, talented girl just entering middle school when a misunderstanding during a volleyball match leads to the loss of her friends, and to them relentlessly bullying her via social media. The torment inflicted on Lexi by these mean girls reduces her to a ghost of herself. She believes the posts saying she is ugly, or fat, or skinny, and unworthy of love… until her parents urge her to look to herself for strength and not allow bullies to define her. Lexi finds the power within herself to overcome cyberbullying. And in a twist of karmic fate, the tables turn on her tormenters on social media.

About the Author

Lexi Philips is 17 years old and starting her first year of college. She loves playing volleyball, volunteering, and spending time with family. Overtaken by the devastating effects of cyberbullying at such a young age, Lexi shares her story to help other kids going through similar situations and hopes to remind them that they are stronger than those who try to beat them down.  


Vocabulary Activity

Words to know:
cyberbullying, harassed, humiliated, abused, anonymously, social media, chat room, restraining order, wrath, console, palpitate, binge

Complete the charts below for each vocabulary word.

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Before You Read

Have the students answer the questions below
1. Why has this text been written?
2. What is the topic of this text?
3. What is your first reaction to this text?
4. What prior knowledge do you have on the topic? 

During Reading

5. Make connections to the text such as text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world.
6. How does the tone of the story change throughout the text? What is the overall tone?
7. How do the illustrations support the tone? Cite specific examples.
8. Analyze Lexi’s point of view. How does it change throughout the text? Cite specific examples
9. How can you relate to Lexi? Use specific examples from your life, and how they apply to Lexi’s Story.
10. At what point in the story would you give Lexi encouragement? What would you tell her? 

After Reading

11. How have your thoughts about this novel changed after reading it?
12. What specific moment in the novel helped change Lexi’s perspective about cyberbullying? What phrase, or saying has been symbolic in your life?
13. After reading this novel, if you could speak to Lexi what would you ask her?
14. How does the use of figurative language throughout the novel help you better understand Lexi’s emotions?
15. If you could create a graphic novel about your life, what would it be called? What would it be about? How would it help others? Why do you think Lexi titled her book, Click?

Discussion Topics

Define “cyberbullying.” What does it mean to cyberbully someone?
2. What is a graphic novel? Why do you think this story is written in this format?
3. What is social media?
4. Define tone. How did the tone change throughout the novel?
5. How do the illustrations help the reader understand the emotional impact this situation had on Lexi?
6. How do you feel about the way Lexi handled herself during this devastating situation? Discuss.
7. What is the turning point in this novel? When does Lexi feel that there is hope for a happy ending?
8. How did Lexi gain the strength to take her life back in this novel?
9. How does one gain the strength in a situation like this? What people can help provide strength and support in times of need?
10. How do you think Lexi’s life will be affected by these events moving forward? 

Writing Prompts

1. What is cyberbullying? How does cyberbullying differ from other types of bullying? What impact can cyberbullying have on a person? Refer to details from Lexi’s story in your writing.
2. What gives you the strength to overcome difficult situations? There are many different ways to define strength. Write about a person you feel is emotionally strong, and compare them to the strength Lexi demonstrated in the novel.
3. Often times we read a novel and it sparks an emotion within us that is unrelated to the topic. What emotions did you feel while reading Click? Did you feel fear, sadness, happiness, hope, etc.? Describe the connections you made to Lexi on an emotional level.
4. Describe the significance of the title. Give your life a title, and explain how that one word describes something significant in your life.
5. Choose a page in the graphic novel. Put yourself in Lexi’s shoes. Analyze the illustration and write a story based on that illustration. How do you feel, what is happening, what has lead to that moment, what will you do next?

Extension Activities

1. Lexi’s mom reminded her that others only define us if we let them define us. What item, comment, or experience seemed insignificant in your life, but then became significant? Create a mini comic strip of this moment. Using 6 to 8 boxes, describe the significance through dialogue and illustrations.
2. Are you a victim of cyberbullying? Have you ever been a cyberbully? Compare and contrast the feelings Lexi experienced to your own experiences. If you do not feel that you have been a bully, or been bullied via social media, find a friend who can share their personal experience. Discuss the differences between your friend and Lexi. Create a graphic organizer to compare and contrast the information.
3. Do some research. What support groups, online groups, and/or websites would be resources to help someone who is in a situation where they are being cyberbullied? Create a brochure that contains the information you found.
4. In the novel, refer to the “Take 5!” section. Dr. Mary Aiken is a world-renowned forensic cyberpsychologist from Dublin, Ireland, who specializes in the impact of technology on human behavior and the effect on children. Analyze the five parent takeaways about cyberbullying from your perspective. What are the five main points that you would suggest to a person being cyberbullied?
5. Create your own graphic novel. What would it be called? Why is the title significant? How do you intend for your novel to help others? Refer to Click. Look how the colors and illustrations guide the reader’s emotions and create a mood and tone with very little dialogue. Be creative on how you convey your message. 

Comprehension Test

1. Who is Alexandra “Lexi” Philips, according to her bio?
2. What happened to Lexi four years ago?
3. How does Lexi describe herself at 7 years old, 9 years old, and 12 years old? How does she feel about herself?
4. What was the gift her parents gave her at the beginning of seventh grade?
5. Lexi describes her phone as a weapon. Which weapons does she refer to? Why does she feel this way? Use evidence from the text.
6. Explain the events that led to the problem between the girls.
7. Describe Lexi’s first day back at school after meeting with the principal? What were the twins threatening to do to anyone who was friends with Lexi?
8. Describe the two new kids that came to school. Why is their arrival significant in the novel?
9. What is “Post Ghost?” What social media do you use that is similar?
10. What happened with the selfie Lexi and Maya took?
11. Why did Lexi have her parents take her to the doctor?
12. How did Lexi react to bullying online?
13. What did Lexi’s dad want to do to cheer her up?
14. Lexi’s mom said the words to her that would change her life forever. What did her mom tell her?
15. Describe how the evening out with her dad helped her?
16. What did Lexi do when she returned home after dinner with her dad? What did she wake her mom up to discuss?
17. What significant change happened the next school year?
18. Who did she receive a message from while doing homework? What did he want?
19. Lexi states that in the end, she would get her karmic revenge. Explain the events that support this statement.
20. Why did Lexi share her story? 


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