Making Classic Literature More Accessible

Making Classic Literature More Accessible

Graphic novel adaptations of canonical literature have gained popularity in classrooms as supplemental tools to aid in teaching the original texts of classic novels and plays. Graphic novel adaptations make literature more accessible to students, which in turn improves literacy through comprehension of original texts and an increase in reading for pleasure. The use of graphic novel adaptations in educational settings is significant because it offers opportunities to re-introduce a variety of classics to modern readers in a new format that may be more engaging than traditional prose.

A common practice of educators who teach literature arts is to use a graphic novel version of a challenging text such as Romeo and Juliet to scaffold the storyline of the play before reading the original Elizabethan English together as a class. With this type of reading support, students can fully understand the plot of the story using visual cues and adapted language before engaging with the original language of the play itself.
Making Classic Literature More Accessible