The "My Collection" area of your Admin Portal allows you to easily discover and curate your Comics Plus collection. Read below to gain a deeper insight into how to best leverage this area.
Once logged in your Admin Portal, navigate to "My Collection" through the pane on the left side of your screen.
You can Filter and Search through your collection, as well as Disable/Enable titles (individually or through Bulk Select) and Export your selection into an excel document.
You can filter through all titles you subscribe to in your collection by: Status, Age, Language Publishers, Categories, and/or Release Date (added to Comics Plus). Once you set a filter, you will only see titles relevant to that filter. You can set multiple filters at a time.
Status - You can filter for "Enabled" or "Disabled" titles. When neither are selected you are viewing both Enabled and Disabled titles.
Age - You can filter through titles in specific Age categories - i.e. Children, Kids, etc.
Language - you can filter for titles in different languages
Publishers - You can filter by Publisher of a title
Categories - You can filter by a Category
Release Date - Release Date refers to the date a title was added to Comics Plus. To filter for titles based on when they were added to your Comics Plus collection, add this filter and indicate the date in reference. For Example: f you want to see everything added the last 2 weeks, simply select "Just Released in the last 14 days".
To remove a filter, simply click the "x" on the filter
You can search by title, writer or author of a title. If you have filters selected, your search will only populate titles within your filtered parameters.
You can export your collection and selections within your collection to allow you to gain a deeper understanding of your collection.
Export Full Collection
To export your full collection, simply click "Export" in the top right. Without any filters this will export your full collection.
Export Selected Titles
To export a cross section of titles, use the search and filter tools listed above to narrow down your collection. Once you have narrowed down your selection, simply click "Export" in the top right. Only the titles that appear with your filters will be exported.
Export Active Titles
To export active titles, in your filters choose "Status" and "Enabled". This filters you collection to only your enabled titles and removes all disabled titles. Once you have narrowed down your selection, simply click "Export" in the top right. Only the titles that appear with your filters will be exported.
A dropdown will appear where you can choose to Enable or Disable the selected titles.
Choose the appropriate status and click "Update Status". You will see an alert ensuring you want to move forward. Click "proceed" or "cancel". You will then see a notification indicating the change was made successfully. You will also see the status column on the titles changing to the selected status.