Admin Portal FAQs - For admins with access to multiple institutions

Admin Portal FAQs - For admins with access to multiple institutions

What Do I Have Access To In My Admin Portal?

You can: 
1. Access circulation information for all of your member accounts
2. Manage your member accounts' users
3. Curate your member accounts' collections
4. Manage settings

How Do I Access My User Admin Portal?


How Do I Access Usage Statistics For All Of My Member Accounts?

Log into your Admin Portal. Under "Institution Reports" you can access Usage Statistics for all of your libraries/member accounts.
1. You can see how many member accounts you are viewing statistics for by the number indicated in the search bar. 

2. You can "select all" to see all of your member accounts usage at once: 

3. Or, you can look at individual member accounts usage by selecting the individual library.
For additional Information on Usage Reports: How To Read the Usage Statistics Report

How Do I Manage Users For My Member Accounts?

 You can manage users for all of your libraries/member accounts under "User Maintenance"
1. You can see how many member accounts you are viewing users for by the number indicated in the search bar. 

2. You can "select all" to see all of your users for all of your member accounts at once: 

3. Or, you can look at individual member account users by selecting the individual library.

How Do I Pull MARC Records?

 MARC records must be pulled from individual member accounts admin portal. Click the link above to read more about this process. 

How Do I Curate the Comics Plus Collection For My Member Accounts?

 You can manage the Comics Plus collection for all of your libraries/member accounts under "My Collection"

First, select whether you are curating the collection for ALL of your member accounts or an individual member account. 
1. To curate the collection for ALL of your member accounts at once, select your Library Administrative Name - all of your member accounts will be selected. This indicates that the changes you make will affect all selected accounts. 

2. To curate the collection for an individual member account, select the member account you want to curate for. This indicates the changes you make will affect only the selected account. 

Once you have the account(s) selected you are curating for, you can filter and search through your members' titles to find those to curate. Simply disable or enable titles using the toggle on the right hand side. A notification will appear confirming your change. 

For additional information on curation: Curation FAQs

How Do I Lock the Changes I Have Made To My Member Account(s) Collection?

Under "settings" you have 2 options for curation control. 
1. Allow Member accounts to curate individual collections
- This option allows you to make changes to the collection for your member accounts, but ultimately gives them complete control over these changes. When this option is selected you can enable and disable titles for you member accounts, but they can re-enable or disable any title they choose regardless of your changes. This empowers the individual account to make the final say on their collection. 

2. Do Not Allow Member accounts to curate individual collections
- This option gives the administrative account full control over the member accounts collection. When this option is selected, member accounts can view their collection and the status of each title, but they are not able to make any changes to a titles status (enabled/disabled)

For additional information on settings options click here: Theme FAQs OR Progress Reader FAQs

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